Thursday 31 December 2009

Happy New Year!

I want to wish everybody a very, very, happy new year, and thank you guys so much for all your support in 2009!
The day of new years eve is for me also the time to make a resume about the last year...
One year ago the idea of designboost was just new born, and now we are almost online since half a year. We found a lot of enthusiastic, creative, new coming designers and have now more than 200 products online.
It was a lot of fun and very exciting!
For the following year we made a lot of plans. Right now, we are already working on a new shop system, that is more constructed like an online shopping mall, and let every designer have its own shop. We hope to go life with that in February or March 2010.
At the end of March there is also a little trip planned to Berlin. And I would really like to meet some of our designers in the capital of Germany.
I wish you all the best for the future, and hope that we will have a terrific 2010!


  1. Danke, Dir auch einen Super Start ins Neue! Und sag bescheid wann du nach Berlin willst...vielleicht kann ihces dann auch einrichten! Wäre doch wahnsinnnig toll, oder?
    Frau Wahn

  2. Das wäre auf alle Fälle Klasse. Ich denke ich bin in der 12 KW da. Ich sag nochmal bescheid, wegen den genauen Daten!
